Amateur Radio Resources
Amateur Radio / Ham Radio Resources:
compiled by Martin Brossman – KI4CFS
Ham Radio Groups and Forums
Amateur Radio Beginner’s Resources and Education
- ARRL, home of Amateur Radio – The starting place to learn how & why to become a Ham Radio operator.
DMR Radios and Resources
- Connect Systems Amateur Radio Facebook Group: - Resources page for the Connect System CS750 4w 440 handheld radio:
The short URL to share on the radio is:
Name of web site |
Description of web site |
Web address Select/Click on address: |
ARRL, home of Amateur Radio | The starting place to learn how & why to become a Ham Radio operator. | | |||||||
A good place for beginners to learn about Amateur Radio |
Created to provide information for people wanting to learn more about Amateur Radio. A website produce by the national associate for aperture radio ( ARRL ) | | |||||||
Best Beginning Book: Arrl Ham Radio License Manual |
Best beginner book to study for you first Amateur license (Technician Class, no Morse code test is required.) Purchase the “Arrl Ham Radio License Manual: All You Need to Become an Amateur Radio Operator ” book from the web site to the right. |
Click here for the book, |
2nd Best Beginning Book: Ham Radio for Dummies, |
Ham Radio for Dummies, a great complement to “Now You’re Talking!” . It alone, is not enough to pass the Technician Class license but worth owning (need to buy Now You’re Talking too ). Give you a good understanding of the entire hobby. | Click here for the book, Ham Radio for Dummies, on with reviews. |
On-line practice test: | Best on-line Practice test for the Amateur Licenses. | | |||||||
Also a very good site for practicing the test “Ham Test On-line” | | ||||||||
Another on-line practice test for the Amateur Licenses. (look to the take test button to the RT.) | | ||||||||
A resource page about a few basic Amateur Radios |
This is just my personal pick of basic radios and someone of the equipment that you would need with it. I also recommend talking to other ‘Ham Radio’ operators including the Elmer Forum section on | | |||||||
International Morse Code Basics | Not required for your first ham / amateur license but clear and required for the second license. | | |||||||
G4FON Morse code trainer | Freeware (free software) that can be downloaded and used to learn code. | | |||||||
Code Quick “5 words per min. in 12 days” |
The BEST Morse code instructional for the money & I should know I bought just about every one! I recommend the Basic CD version: “Audio CDs – 5WPM in 12 Days!” $52.95 and really worth it. | | |||||||
AA9PW, On-line Morse Code Trainer |
Practice the code on line, using your web browser but and sound card. | | |||||||
Speak Normal! This is NOT CB land! |
Good Operating Guidelines for All Ham Operators to know. | Operating Guidelines | |||||||
A few ‘starter’ radios | Often the first radio to buy is a simple handheld radio for you will always use it no matter what you get in the future and you can get on the air quickly (of course after the license). I picked for the radios but you can find many other good dealers on-line as well. You want to make sure it comes with rechargeable batteries! | Yeasu VX-150/64B Yeasu VX-170 Yeasu FT-60R |
QRZ Ham Resources | QRZ is a good resource for Ham / Amateur information. You can look up the founders of call letters their! KI4CFS | | ||||||| | Another good resource for Ham / Amateur Radio information. Also, great reviews of products. | | |||||||
Giga Parts | One of the many good resource of equipment and great prices. This site has no relationships with this group this is provide just as a resource. | | |||||||
Homemade, Pocket J-Pole Antenna for 2 Meters |
Under $20.00 home made, portable 2 meter J-Poll Antenna that works great and can roll up in your suitcase. This ham club web site has the instructions to make it on their site and it work! You can search under the title and find other sites too. | Pocket J-Pole Instructions | |||||||
Internet Radio Linking System | A system that links repeaters all over the world through the internet. To the non-ham, this lets you have the chance to talk with a hand held Amateur radio talk to someone across the world as though they are a few blocks away. Brilliant system, thanks to David Cameron, IRLP Designer, VE7LTD! | IRLP.netMap of the nodes worldwide | |||||||
The Internet Radio Linking Project in Raleigh NC | The KD4RAA Repeater Group-sponsored 146.775 – PL 88.5 repeater and area UHF linked repeaters are now linked to hundreds of participating repeater sites throughout the United States, Canada, and internationally. We are the first Repeater System in North Carolina to have a linking node into the IRLP project. | Click here for more information. | |||||||
EchoLink | “EchoLink® is software that allows licensed Amateur Radio stations to communicate with one another over the Internet, using voice-over-IP (VoIP) technology. The program allows worldwide connections to be made between stations, or from computer to station, greatly enhancing Amateur Radio’s communications capabilities. There are more than 100,000 registered users in 140 countries worldwide!” | | |||||||
On-line QSL cards | The basic service is free after your register to send and receive QSL cards by email. | | |||||||
Raleigh Amateur Radio Society | RARS group also has links to Repeaters and a great club. | | |||||||
Orange County Radio Amateurs | W4UNC – The Call Sign for Orange County Radio Amateurs Group | | |||||||
My Favorite Repeaters & Frequencies |
A excel web page of my favorite repeaters & Frequencies related to my location Raleigh NC & Washington DC (by Martin Brossman ) |
Click here to see the Repeater / frequency list |
US Repeaters | Updated daily. Open Amateur Repeaters Brought to you by ARTSCI Publishing Inc. | | |||||||
KD4RAA, Raleigh | Raleigh area 2/70 Meter Repeaters | | ||||||| | Cary NC Repeater resources and other good information. | | |||||||
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“Welcome to the Possum Trot Net web site. The Possum Trot Net is a friendly “good morning” net for amateur radio operators to check into each weekday morning. Please explore our pages to find out about the history of the net and how the net operates. Thanks for dropping by and have a wonderful day!” | Click here for the web site | |||||||
NETWORK ENGINEERS REPEATER ASSOCIATION | List or Repeaters in the Washington DC area | | |||||||
ON-Line discussion groups for Hams A good place to learn from other ham’s |
Ham Radio Forum | Ham Radio Forum, a Ham radio community. Feel free to register and post. | | |||||||
QRZ Forum’s | The Forums on QRZ , very well used. | Click here for QRZ forum area | ||||||| Forum | The Forums on, lots of good stuff! | | |||||||
The Electromagnetic Spectrum | An explanation of the Electromagnetic Spectrum “Measuring the electromagnetic spectrum” |
Resource on a NASA sub. page, click here to go to it |
||||||| | Science news and information about the Sun-Earth environment. | | |||||||
“Electronics tutorials offered by are FREE to you and are extremely comprehensive with over 120 individual electronics tutorials topics covering a very wide range of electronics. It will always continue to expand so come back often. “
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ELECTRONICS TUTORIALS SITE – Antannas | The section of “Electronics Tutorials” about how antennas work. | | |||||||
How Suff Works: Ham Radio | The Ham radio section of how stuff works | | |||||||
Web sites with information / discussions on Broadband over Power lines: | How Broadband Over Power line – Endangers the future of Ham How internet over Broadband Over Powerline – Call to Arms (a discussion on high power arms can disrupt Ham / Amateur Radio and other emergency communications. |
Broadband Over Powerline – Call to Arms (a discussion on the FCC’s Broadband Over Power Line (BPL) Notice of Inquiry (on’s web site)More from ARRL, “For all Ham’s to READ”!A Yahoo discussion group on what works to stop BPL What the “other side” is saying: Broadband Wireless Internet Access Weblog |
||||||| | Science news and information about the Sun-Earth environment. | | |||||||
MODs for Ham rigs | “The biggest WWW sites on internet for tips, tricks, and modifications of HAM rigs, HAM modems, etc, and it’s free to use. Here you will find modifications of all types of HAM radios and HAM modems etc.” ** Note: Use with caution at your own risk & make sure the modification is legal ** |
IC-2720H Ham designed reference card. | A reference card for using and programming the IC-2720H designed for ham by hams. It is a PDF that you will have to save on your own computer than can print out for yourself. You may have to right click over the hyperlink and select “Save Target As..” . | Clear here to being up PDF & save on your computer | |||||||
Jingtong JT-208 and Jingtong JT-308 | Jingtong is a Hong Kong based radio manufacturer. They have two main lines, the JT-208 and JT-308. | | |||||||
AMSAT | Amateur Radio Satellite Corporation. Learn about how to communicate through an earth orbiting satellite using Ham Radio! | | |||||||
Dumb Questions about Dummy Loads & SWR Meters | A discussion on how to use Dummy Loads & SWR Meters by Martin Brossman | Click here to read article on |
You Might be Addicted to Ham Radio If? | A humorous collection of comments from “Ham’s” by Martin Brossman | Click here to read article on |
Where Did ‘Ham’ in Ham Radio Come From? | A collection of comments about where the word “Ham” came from “Ham’s” by Martin Brossman on |
Click here to read article on |
Large Coffee Mug, ‘Stein’, and stuff! Celebrating the end or requiring code [Meant in good fun] |
A Large Coffee Mug and ‘Stein’ Celebrating the end or requiring code. I still recommend learning code for the fun of it! To see the graphic on both products go to: This is a fund raiser for “The Men’s Inquiry and The Women’s Inquiry“ |
Large Coffee Mug: Large ‘Stein’: T-Shirt: T-Shirt: the other stuff: |
Old Time Radio Mouse Pad | A collecting of Old Time Radios Laid out on a mouse pad I designed it and all item except the two Keys are from my family. |
Click here to see the Mouse Pad: |
A few on-line videos about Ham Radio / Amateur Radio | |||||||||
YouTube posting of Amateur radio today |
Walter Cronkite describes the community service of Ham Radio and why I say Ham Radios lets me be part of the solutions vs. problem in a community crisis. | ||||||||
Google Video posting of Amateur radio today |
Amateur (ham) Radio TODAY – it ain’t your grandfather’s radio! 3.5 min video of modern Amateur Radio options Ham Radio Amateur Radio ARRL | ||||||||
YouTube posting | 1921 Spark Gap Transmitter / Ham Radio | | |||||||